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edinburgh wedding photographer

Welcome to Daguerreotype Clan! This is our area for Team Work and Support for Photographers!

As photographers, we understand how hard can be to be in your own and for that we create this area specially for you.

We have the philosophy of a non competitive, confidential and supportive.

We know  together we are stronger, for that, all our packs come with social media support, advice and fellowship.

We dont want to become you  our client, we want to be your booster team workers.

We offer training, second shooter and editing. 

Choose what you need and we will do the best we can to help you.

We have fully Adobe licence .

We offer our services in:

English - Spanish - Polish

You can ask more information without any compromise and all our inquiries are free of charge.

Our Compromise


As a team work philosophy we compromise to offer help, advice and support with the good intention and wellness of your business.

We respect privacy and discretion, this means business secrets, workflow, projects, personal detail and information would be confidential and will not be shared outside yourself without your permission.

You are the full author and artist of your work. We respect your style and taste, we want to know about you, what is important for you, how your eyes see the world and your work process, to be able to give you accurate service.

We are honest & fairful, and we want to reflect this in our work offering a good relation, quality- price, commitment and friendship.

Patricia Garrigós & Krzysztof Golebiowski

Daguerreotype Clan Team

EH3 9JF Edinburgh



Collegues that already trusted us

Second shooter &/or shooter asociate with awesome profesionals

edinburgh wedding photographer
edinburgh wedding photographer
edinburgh wedding photographer
edinburgh wedding photographer
edinburgh wedding photographer
edinburgh wedding photographer
edinburgh wedding photographer
Captura de pantalla 2024-10-31 a las 10.16_edited.jpg
edinburgh wedding photographer
edinburgh wedding photographer


Soul Photo



Ana Tornero Fotografia




David Tari

Danielle Stewart

Keepen our trust businness policity about no-competitivity, good connection and fair rate level.

Giving care to all our shoots, shooting next to you or covering you when you have an emergency with all our support.

In exchange we just ask for honestly, trust and fair work.

Please read carefully terms and conditions, we are a Team and a Friendship community.
Greediness competitivity, dishonesty and appropriation of intellectual property will be behaviors no accepted for any part and will be reason to be decline.

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