Beginer Support
If you are starting in the wonderful adventure of Photography this is for you
We understand begginings are not easy and you can learn a lot about photography but the scenario change when you are in a wedding, event or a bigger production and a lot of different tecnical and social factors come at the same time and can make you feel insecure or overwhelming, but we all been there and base on all the experience we are here to help you and support you like others did to us when we started.
Coach Shooter
For Weddings, events ot shootings.
If you have already book a job but you want to do it well and use the oportunity to lean from there you can make an inversion and make the experience more rich taking with you your coach shooter.
How work this?
Step 1. Preproduction.
We will make a previous meeting, can be online or in person in Edinburgh city. We will talk about the structure, the important things to have in count before the date and during the day and we will go though with all your questions and things that worry you to give you the best advice and have you ready.
Step 2. Shooting
You will take us with you, we are confiddential and discreet, so you can introduce us as your second shooter.
We will cover the event as we will be working to make sure you dont lost anything and we will guide you to give the best of you and make look professional and have the best result. We aswell advice you and help you to create connections with the suppliers of the event.
Step 3. Feedback
At the end of the day we will have a talk about the experience, we will advice you with the best things you did and the tips to improve for next time. We will solve all questions can come to you during the proces.
Step 4. Material.
We will provide all our RAW for you to complete your work and offer a complette set.
You would be allow to use this shoots edited by yourself as part of your brand but you will need to mention us as shooter and tag our brand. In exchange we will mention you as "shoot for you" in case we use the shoots to create a connection ad help each other. Offering social meddia support.
Step 5. Additional Postprodduction.
As an additional extra you can book Aditional postproduction where we will have a second meeting with you and we will advice you in the way to how though the workflow and have a care ended finished in your own style and in a proffesional look.
Compromise & Connection
We promise to become in an ally and team work heart core, been discret and confidential and creating connections and grow together. We always will aproach in a frendly way and we will advice you in behalf of your own develoment.
Booking & Conditions
For booking and more information about pricing contact by email
Travel outside Edinburgh is counted as an extra and will be included in base of milleage standar calculation.
Invoice can be provide under request
Terms and conditions link + to have in count special addition for coatch conditions