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Valentine's Elopement . Atholl Palace Hotel

“Life is like a movie, and in a movie you can make it turn out any way you want.”

F. Flagg, Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe

atholl hotel wedding photographer the hermitage of dunkeld scotland lesbian

             Valentine's day is for intrepid souls in love, a romantic occasion perfect for a elopement between the woods. For Sasha & Steph was obvious their wedding day needed to be an adventure where nature, art and love will be present and they decide organize an intimate and very miningful moment in a special place for them, The woodland at the hermitage of Dunkeld.

Warm feelings At Atholl Parace Hotel

The day start cold as is usual in a early morning of February, with some fog over the hill and some crispy ice in the grass. The warm of the stove was keeping them cozy during their preparation at the Atholl Palace Hotel, taking a moment for them, appreciating every single second. But the moment was getting every time closer, and following this mood of peace, they move to their second location in a hidden spot of the forest where their celebrant was waiting for them.

Romantic winter at Hermitage of Dunkeld Forest

Soon their guest arrived, close friends and family without forget the important four legs witness that enjoy the walk the most. A beautiful ceremony guided by Tegan Elder, where they spoke honest with words of love building the next chapter of their lives.

After their official union, we decided to keep a bit in the hermitage, enjoying an unexpected colourful forest dress up with warm tone of light, welcoming their first day as wife and wife.

They are such an incredible people, very authentic and alive. It was a real honour to meet them and capture those wonderful feelings. Is one of those stories that keeps in your heart and you never forget.

Sasha & Steph

Atholl Palace Hotel, Scotland

The Hermitage of Dunkeld

Humanist: Tegan Elder from Thistle Ceremonies