“Only myths and fables do not know the limits of possibility.”
A. Sapkowski, Sword of Destiny

There are deep stories that can not be told just ones, and thats what happen to this wonderful couple.
Elopement in a foggy valley
Few days before they have their secret garden wedding with all their closes family and friends, and now they were ready to dress in the wedding clothes againg for some intimate moments in Holyrood, a fter wedding session becomed by chance of destiny in a romantic elopement in Edinburgh just for them .
Holyrood Park
The choice of the place has a meaningful story with them and part of their engaged story. A beautiful way to complete the circle making something special and different to their official wedding day.
The valley is bigger that can looks in apparience, but is incredible how sucha natural and stunning place can be in the middle of the city. It offer lot of different good photographic bacgraunds but in this occation we choose start with St Mays Loch, with this soft reflection of the water, walking though the valley until St Anthonys ruins, where they ronew the vows just for theirselfs and finishing with an intimate moment of the views of Arthur seat. The evening was close to the sunset and the the day was suprisely foggy, full of mystery and romanticism.
A unique and intimate memories they will rtreasure forever.
Mat & Lisa
Edinburgh, Scotland